Upcoming Events

Coffee Hour – Every Sunday after Worship

There’s always fresh hot coffee, baked goods and smiling faces at Coffee Hour. Right after service, make your way to Fancher Hall, help yourself to a piping hot cup of coffee, and catch up with visitors, members, and staff of RRPC. The Church’s Deacons host coffee hour each week to create a welcoming, friendly to mingle before everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday. All are welcome!! 

Farewell to Crystal Duffield – Sunday, September 8

Crystal Duffield, who has faithfully served as the Rocky River Presbyterian Church’s Office Manager these past 17+ years, is retiring this month. This congregation is fortunate to have had a person of such dedication and caliber serving in this capacity. To show our appreciation, we will be recognizing her during the morning worship on September 8 and a celebration luncheon to follow. God’s grace be upon Crystal and her future!

Dougbe River School Gala – Saturday, September 15, 5:00-8:00 PM

One of the missions supported by the Rocky River Congregation is the Dougbe River Presbyterian School of Liberia. This school was imitated and is presently being sustained by several churches within our Presbytery, and Rocky River is one of them! Each year, members of our presbytery organize a gala to help raise funds for this worthy cause. This year’s event is Sunday, September 15, 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the at the Banquet Center at St. Noel, 35200 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills. Please visit the website at www.drpsl.org to learn more about it. Several members of our church will be attending. Please see Rev. Lawson if you are interested.

Rev. Lawson’s Travel Seminar to Scotland – September 18-29

Pastor Peter will be away September 18-29 on an educational travel seminar in Scotland. He will visit locations in the region which figured prominently in the Reformaion and the forming of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Two members of the will also be taking part in this trip. In case of pastoral emergencies while he is gone, please call the church office.
(440) 333-4888 or info@riverpres.org

Coming Soon – Our new Pictorial Directory

Thank you for having your picture taken for the RRPC Pictorial Directory in June. Details on when the directory will be available are coming soon. Questions? Contact Annette Oberst.

Artist Concert Series is Back!

Join fellow music lovers as the Sanctuary is filled with music. Concerts are typically free and donations are appreciated.  Learn more.

Alternative Christmas Charity Bazaar – Sunday, November 24, 2024

This year’s Bazaar will be held Sunday, November 24th in Fellowship Hall from 11:30 – 1:00 pm. Please make plans to join us. Your gift will enable charities here in northeast Ohio and around the world, to provide services to help children, adults, families, communities, and animals in need!

Deacon Sponsored Events

Deacons are the “worker bees” of RRPC and take on special tasks as directed by the Session. The Deacons organize fun and meaningful activities to foster Christian fellowship throughout the year. Events have included clam bakes and chili cookoffs, to outings at local event venues (Crushers!). The following list are some of our planned events. All are welcome! Check the Church Calendar for specific dates.

Note that you do not have to be a Deacon to help plan an event! For information on how to volunteer for Deacon-sponsored or any other Church event, call the church office at 440-333-4888.

  • Coffee Hour – Every Sunday After Worship in Fancher Hall
  • February – Chili Cook-Off
  • March/April – Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday
  • June – All-Church Picnic on the Sunday following the week of Vacation Bible School
  • The Saturday before the 2nd Sunday of Advent from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. – “Deck the Halls: Donuts & Décor” church decorating event.
  • The Sunday following Christmas – Family Room Worship and breakfast in Fellowship Hall

Last Updated: 8/28/2024