Mission Outreach & Volunteering
Mission Statement

At Rocky River Presbyterian Church (RRPC), we believe that God calls us to serve those around us. This belief is a core tenet of our Mission Statement: Praising God, Teaching Faith, Serving Others.
Mission is not just an activity of the Church, it is the work of God. It flows through our Church in all we do to help others. It is important that we involve many people to enliven this work of God through our Church.
How Can You Participate?
If you would like to become a member of the Mission Committee, join us for your first meeting! Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month in the Church Parlor immediately following Worship Service. The specific dates are included in the Church Calendar and in the weekly Pulse Newsletter. Grab a cup of coffee and join us with your ideas and special interests!
As you read through the MISSION WORK of Rocky River Presbyterian Church it is hoped that you will find an opportunity that will open your heart, and use your God given Talents.
Special Offerings to Support our Mission Activities:
In addition to working with our mission partners and on special projects, we contribute Special Offerings made through PCUSA. Designated Special Offerings are collected three times a year to support PCUSA missions. These Special Offerings are:
- One Great Hour of Sharing (Palm Sunday) – Dollars support Presbyterian Disaster Relief, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self Development of People.
- Peace and Witness Offering (World Communion)
- Christmas Joy Offering (during Advent) – these funds are equally divided between support of retired church workers and their families, and support of Presbyterian related racial ethnic schools and colleges.
Mission Committee Members
For more information or with questions about our missions, please contact a Mission Committee member listed below, or jump in on one of our weekly meetings — all are welcome!
- Eric Watts – Mission Committee Chairperson
- Sara Gresh
- Lisa Poole
- Lance Wilson
Last Updated: 9/21/2023