Men’s Groups

Friday Morning Men’s Group

When:  Friday mornings, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Where: ZOOM (Virtual)
Questions: Contact Greg Ward at g_******@ya***.com or (440) 333-8253, Lance Wilson at lw*****@me*********.org 216-978-6274

The Friday Morning Men’s Group has been meeting on Friday mornings for nearly 20 years and has been virtual since 2020.  All are welcome, and we have relaxed, informal meetings.  We currently have 6 regular members, and although typically our group is comprised primarily of RRPC members, over the years, multiple other non-members have joined regularly and are encouraged to join in the discussion.  We are open to anyone who wants to join, and all points of view are welcome. Men of all ages gather for fellowship and discussion, reviewing books chosen by the group. We meet together in a relaxed environment — on Zoom in the privacy of your own home!  None of us are Biblical scholars –we just enjoy exploring different and better ways to practice and experience faith, so don’t hesitate to join!

To give you a sense of what we read and discuss, in the past, the group has completed Bible studies including Acts, Romans, John, and Revelations. Lately we have been looking at the intersection of Buddhism and Christianity, reading works such as Thich Nhat Hanh’s Living Buddha, Living Christ, as well as reading works by contemplative Christian authors, such as Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ, and others.  Over the years, we have read a range of books exploring the wide breadth of how to approach faith and Christianity, including books such as The Prodigal GodThe Purpose Driven Life, and authors such as Chrstopher Hitchens, and Kurt Vonnegut. We read and discussed a study of Muslim, Christian & Jew and a study of Jesus: A Revolution Biography by John Dominic Crossan. Just to put our level of scholarship out there, we also read The Complete Idiot’s Guide to World Religions.

If you are interested in finding out what the group is currently discussing, reach out to us.  We hope to see new faces on Zoom soon!

Senior Men’s Religious Study Group

When: The 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Meetings may be once a month during the summer and holidays.
Where: Rocky River Presbyterian Church’s West Room (In Person) and Zoom (Virtual)
Questions: Contact: Dan McKenzie da*********@am*******.net

On Friday mornings, a group of Senior men meet in the RRPC West Room for fellowship. The men take part in a structured activity such as watching and discussing a video, choosing a topic to discuss, viewing a presentation by a fellow RRPC member or visitor, or reading a book and sharing perspectives. For example, the group recently studied Adam Hamilton’s Luke – Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws and is currently studying Living the Questions – An Introduction to Progressive Christianity. Regardless of the format, the sessions are always religious in nature, informative, and relevant to a Christian life. The group is always open to suggestions and ideas for how to grow and learn together!

All are welcome to actively participate in the session, simply show up. Or reach out to Dan McKenzie for the Zoom link to try us out. We’d love to see new faces at our next meeting!