Student Programs at Rocky River Presbyterian Preschool
RRPP Home — Links for this page: – Objectives – Two-1/2/Young 3’s – Three Year old’s – Four Year old’s – Pre-K – Child / Teacher Ratios – Class Schedules – Typical Class Day – Extra Activities
Our Preschool offers morning sessions from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and afternoon sessions from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Morning hours are extended to 12:45 p.m. for four-day 4’s and Pre-K. Find out the classes available for each age group under class schedules and what they will be learning under objectives.
Morning and afternoon students may choose to extend their day by attending lunch bunch.
We pride ourselves on small child:teacher ratios. Classes are typically between 10 and 12 children with one teacher and one assistant. Take a look at our class day to see what happens during a typical session!
Rich Learning – Rich learning experiences support and extend children’s knowledge, understanding of concepts, and skills across domains. As children actively explore their learning environment by manipulating objects and investigating concepts, teachers interact with them to extend their exploration, thinking, and communication.
Class Descriptions – All of the classes at RRPP are play-based and have developmentally appropriate activities for each child. The goals and objectives of each class are based on the Early Learning Content Standards from the Ohio Department of Education. These goals include social and emotional skills, physical skills (both gross motor and fine motor) and cognitive skills focusing on Literacy, Math, Social Studies and Science.
2-1/2/Young 3’s
Children must be 2 ½ for this class and should be having success in potty training. This class focuses on having the children adjust to being in a group setting for the first time. Social skills such as listening, taking turns and sharing are emphasized. Songs, finger plays and simple art projects are included in the curriculum. This class is limited to 10 children with a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
Three Year Olds
Children in this class are three years old by September 30th. The 3’s class focuses on helping children develop a positive transition from home to school life. Children learn social skills though play, thus developing important skills in problem solving, resolving conflict, sharing, kindness, and empathy. Self-help skills support children in becoming more independent as they practice washing hands, putting on their own coats, and completing activities. The 3’s are also introduced to academic concepts of literacy and math, such as counting, color names, rhyming, and letter recognition. They also develop large and fine motor skills, such as walking in a line, pedaling a bike, and using a pencil. They have seasonal themes.
The two- and three-day 3’s have a similar curriculum with the three-day class extending the units that the two-day 3’s are experiencing.
Class sizes are 12 to 13 children with a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
Four Year Olds
Children in this class turn four years old by September 30th. All of the 4’s classes include activities that will prepare them for kindergarten, while emphasizing social skills. The 4’s focus on recognizing and writing letters, both upper and lower case. Also, their first and last names. There is a Letter of the Week with Show-n-Tell, a writing journal, and a homework folder for practicing their letters and numbers. The homework folder is sent home weekly. The 4’s also begin recognizing environmental print. They will work on identifying and writing letters and numbers, along with using manipulatives and making seasonal counting books to support their math skills. Monthly science experiments. A remembrance book of special projects and a collection of activities during the year.
Class sizes is 12 to 14 children with a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
Pre-K Class
This class is for children who turn five by December 31st. The Pre-K class has different themes and units than the four-year-old classes. The Pre-K class focuses on letter sounds, recognition and writing letters along with number recognition and writing them. There is a weekly homework notebook and a school journal, to reinforce letter sounds, recognition, and formation. Also, recognition and formation of numbers. Some other activities are math and or literacy-based, focusing on a task, and following simple 1-3 step directions independently, while developing their skills. Children complete seasonal or thematic journals with their drawings and their stories scribed by the teacher. Children are taught to write their names with the beginning letter upper case followed by lower-case letters. They make several counting books, perform science experiments, and take part in literacy projects. Pre-K themes follow the letter of the week, along with seasonal themes. They learn their phone numbers and home addresses. Each child is a special helper one day each month. SPECIAL HELPER: One day a month each child will be the special helper. They may bring in show-n-tell, a snack to share with their friends, a book their teacher will read. They will be the line leader and have a few special jobs for their special day.
All of these activities and others prepare them for kindergarten. The Pre-K class is ideal for the child who is close to the kindergarten cut-off age, but may need another year to build their confidence, independence, and social skills while continuing to explore their world in a played-based curriculum.
Class size is 12 to 14 children with a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
**Extended day classes for 4’s and Pre-K expand on the themes for the week and will include time to eat a packed lunch.
Child: Teacher Ratio
Our Preschool is licensed to serve up to 65 children in each session (morning or afternoon). The children are grouped in classes with no class ever exceeding 18 children, although most of our classes have between 10 and 12 children. Each class has one lead teacher and one assistant teacher assigned to them at all times.
Our teach to child ratio ranges from 1:6 to 1:8, and never exceeds the guidelines set forth by the State of Ohio. Occasionally, during special events such as holiday parties, on-site field trips, or class events, two classes may play together in our gym or outdoor area. Regular ratios are always maintained.
Class Schedules
Preschool Class Schedule
2-1/2/Young 3’s
- Thursday, Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Three-Year-Old Classes
- AM 3’s Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- AM 3’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- PM 3’s Monday, Tuesday 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. with the option of Wednesday
- PM 3’ Enrichment Day (optional) – Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Four-Year-Old Classes
- AM 4’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- AM 4’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (this class includes time to eat a packed lunch)
- PM 4’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- PM 4’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, with the option of Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Fifth Day Enrichment – Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Five-Year-Old Classes
- Your child should turn 5 before December 31st.
- AM Pre-K Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. ( this class includes time to eat a packed lunch)
- PM Pre-K Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Fifth Day Enrichment – Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The curriculum for all four- and five-year-old classes includes Kindergarten Readiness Activities.
Class Day
We start our preschool day by hanging up our backpacks, then washing our hands!
Next, students can participate in several small-group activities. Some activities are sensory, art, writing, dramatic play, manipulatives, building, math, science, and literacy play. We also go to our special activities room once a week – there are different monthly themes, dramatic play, large wooden building blocks, train set, and other areas to explore. We have music and movement once a week, we use ribbons, musical instruments, and a parachute along with other items.
Following these activities, children take part in clean-up time, hand washing, and snack time. Then circle time, which includes stories, finger plays, songs, and learning games.
We also have gross motor play every day. We play in our large gym with hula hoops, bean bag toss, rocking boat, basketball hoop, balance beam, and bikes. We can also go outside to our large grassy fenced-in area. There is an obstacle course, frisbees, t-ball, golf, cars, and balls. Also, there is an area with a removable fence where we can ride bikes, chalk, and play with bubbles.
Extra Activities
Lunch Bunch
The “Lunch Bunch” is an extension of the preschool day. The children who choose to extend their day for an hour will bring their own lunch and play, and go to the gym. Lunch Bunch is offered almost every day of the month. The AM children will stay from 11:30 am to 12:45 p.m.; the PM children will come at 11:45 a.m. and stay until 1:00 p.m. when they will be escorted to their classroom. There will be a sign-up for specific days. The cost of “Lunch Bunch” is currently $10.00 a day.
Outside school hours
RRPP hosts several family fun nights throughout the year, see more under parent news.
Updated 1/2/2025