Children & Youth
Church Nursery
There are two bright, clean rooms with a variety of toys, books and other equipment to entertain young children. We have a changing station, a crib, and a highchair for napping and feeding, as well as comfortable rocking chairs for nursing moms who would like some privacy.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is the process that enables 7th and 8th grade youth (or unconfirmed senior high youth) to “confirm” for themselves the baptismal vows made on their behalf by their parents at the time of their baptism as infants.
At RRPC, the confirmation process is based on a mentoring approach combined with classroom learning. Each youth is paired with a mature Christian adult member of the congregation. Together they take part in a self-guided study. They will talk about how God has been and is at work in their lives. Along the way, they will likely discover they have developed a strong friendship too!
Classes for confirmation meet twice monthly, beginning in September and running into late spring. Youth who complete the program will be confirmed at a special Sunday service. Confirmation takes place every other year.
Updated 04/04/2022